I wrote a novel a number of years back. it is over 100,000 words. Recently I learned that editors won't look at anything over 10,000. Well, there is no way I could have told the story with such limits. So I am using my substack to serialize it, and meanwhile I will start doing something else. Your post today encouraged me not to lose my voice or style, so Onward!
Did you mean editors won't look at manuscripts over 100K, not 10K? It is definitely harder when a debut gets over 100,000 words, although it depends on how much over. It sounds like you've found a different path, though, which is exciting! There are so many options outside of traditional publishing. Do your thing! I think my writing has gotten tighter over the years, but hopefully without sacrificing what makes it feel like it's mine. :)
No, I mean an editor told me that publishing companies won't look at a manuscript over 10k for a debut. She wrote a book about publishing fiction, and sent it to me for free. That number was repeated at least twice. Have you found this to be true?
Hm, I'll try to look into this. I just read elsewhere that is for a short story. I'll try to get some clarification, and thank you so much for the information!
Hi Kate,
Thank you for this message. I found it pretty encouraging. I appreciate your help.
Cate Covert
I'm so glad to hear it!!
Just a funny aside... our first and last names are almost mirror images! lol Have a blessed day Kate.
I wrote a novel a number of years back. it is over 100,000 words. Recently I learned that editors won't look at anything over 10,000. Well, there is no way I could have told the story with such limits. So I am using my substack to serialize it, and meanwhile I will start doing something else. Your post today encouraged me not to lose my voice or style, so Onward!
Did you mean editors won't look at manuscripts over 100K, not 10K? It is definitely harder when a debut gets over 100,000 words, although it depends on how much over. It sounds like you've found a different path, though, which is exciting! There are so many options outside of traditional publishing. Do your thing! I think my writing has gotten tighter over the years, but hopefully without sacrificing what makes it feel like it's mine. :)
No, I mean an editor told me that publishing companies won't look at a manuscript over 10k for a debut. She wrote a book about publishing fiction, and sent it to me for free. That number was repeated at least twice. Have you found this to be true?
This must be for a children's book, then? Adult fiction is usually 60,000-100,000 words, depending on genre.
Hm, I'll try to look into this. I just read elsewhere that is for a short story. I'll try to get some clarification, and thank you so much for the information!